Looking to earn a little extra cash?  No problem!  Our Designer Program is just for you!

Simply earn 30% on all items sold at L ‘n R Designs through your own Designer link that you can give out to family, friends, etc.


Not only do you earn the 30% but you also get a 30% buying discount as well on all items you purchase for yourself as well.

Designer Program

Currently our Designers are getting paid through PayPal so you will need a PayPal account. If you do not have one please click here to sign up.
There is no minimum order.
Currently our Designers are receiving: 30% commission/buying discount Personalized website Facebook group support Back office access for stats and marketing materials and more to come!
The cost to join is only $5.00. This is a one time fee.
Since our products are either in stock and ready to go or they are special order, pre-orders, or custom orders, you will get paid once the order has shipped. Please allow up to 1 – 2 business days to receive payment after order ships. Payment will be paid via PayPal.
Please click here to join our Designer Program.