Well after a lot of work I got the squares sewn together. Not the greatest and still don’t look very square but again that’s due to the mistakes and the learning curve. Hopefully when I go and sew the back on and then the border it will even out or even look evened out. But regardless I’m sure no matter how it turns out she is going to love it once it’s done. She loves it now but I know she will love it even more.
Some of the blocks I did good with starting out with and a few I had a moment or two where I just couldn’t figure it out. But once I got it, I was on a roll.
I want to take a moment too and apologize for the way the pictures have been looking. I was taking them on the fly. Hopefully when it’s done I can get some better ones along with a picture of each block. People have been asking what’s all on the blocks.